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Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
There are a lot of features in OmniFocus which allow methodologies that don't fit within traditional GTD.


So yes, we were inspired by GTD and we think OmniFocus does a great job of supporting GTD's patterns, but those are certainly not the only source of inspiration and those are not the only patterns it supports.
Thanks, Ken, this is a good list of examples. It's good to get an idea what O.G. means by 'Other Styles.' It's also interesting (especially in the light of the details of this whole long thread) to see a strong statement that you do not regard OF as "strictly", "purely", "canonically" ( ... or perhaps even "mostly") a GTD app.

My thought is that there is a big unrealized marketing opportunity for O.F. in the "Other" area -- which can be tapped into basically by exemplifying the diverse styles you have identified (say for example, by having a section Entitled 'Management Styles Supported by OF' each with a link to a personal account by/about someone using these styles. ... Of course, several of these accounts would illustrate diverse GTD styles ... ).

Be that as it may, I think it's fair to say that the clearer (and stronger) the definition of O.F. you put out, the less warring there will be in places such as this forum about what O.F. is.

By the way, thank you once again for clarifying the commitment to meta tags.

- Art

Last edited by otter; 2008-06-19 at 11:20 PM..