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Wow. I'd already started down this road before I found this thread. Too bad, too, it could have saved me a lot of work. Anyhoo, I thought I'd add my 25¢ to the array of scripts here, because I've been spending a lot of time on a very similar utility.

This little applet, like the other ones posted, takes a URL and turns it into an OmniFocus inbox task. However, it has some notable differences, because I wanted it to have a broader scope than just pulling pages from Firefox -- instead, I was shooting for making a REST api for OmniFocus. ( I explain this a little bit more in this post)

Some noticeable differences are that the URLs are crafted like normal URLs (x-omnifocus://newtask?name="foo bar"), and permit more parameters than you'd probably use with a bookmarklet. (context, project)

I included some bookmarklets that I think are kinda nifty because they let you include selected text on the current web page as a note in your task. I find that super duper handy.

Here's the applet: OmniFocus URI Handler

Feel free to borrow the javascript in the bookmarklets to enhance your own URL applets or use whatever you want of the applet itself for your own purposes.