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There's either a big bug in my ability to embed attachments, or I'm not understanding something. (I just got OF so probably the latter...) I can't figure out how to edit the embedded attachment and have OF save the changes. I.e. I do the following:

1. Create a new OO document, save and close it, quit OO.
2. Attach the document to an OF action, selecting "embed file."
3. Open the OO file and make some changes to it.
4. Save OO and quit it.
5. Open the OO file via the link from the OF action: the changes from step 3 are there, no problem, everything is fine. But now here's the problematic part:
6. Save OO and quit it. Quit OF.
7. Open OF and open the OO file via the link from the OF action. The changes are not there! The OO file is the version I originally attached, with none of the changes from step 3.

This seems like a pretty substantial problem - I assumed that the point of embedding files was that I could attach, eg, my list of books to read, and then when I update that list, the updates would be saved. Is there something I'm not understanding?

I know that of course I can just attach without embedding - but for things like "book lists" I like having the info inside the OF file for backup purposes.

Thanks for your insight!

Last edited by zekereich; 2008-07-09 at 08:38 AM..