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I realize some of you are frustrated with those of us who believe the app is overpriced, but keep in mind that $20 for an app isn't a nominal fee for all of us. Just like in any other financial discussion, emotions tend to run high (especially in light of the official announcement), but there isn't a need to demean the fiscal situation of others.

It also seems a bit contradictory to endorse Omni leveraging market forces to determine pricing structures, then decrying the market's response to it. Believe it or not, complaining/commenting is the prerogative of the potential customer. While Omni has not broken any promises, there are arguments to be made that are fair to bring up (which I'll leave to other posts). I don't think its appropriate to tell people they have no right to complain, or that by doing so they are somehow being cheap.

I applaud Omni's patience in dealing with my and others' grumbling (even if you are privately cursing us :D). But I am disappointed at the response of some of the others on these boards. I encourage those of you supporting Omni's decision to make your opinion known, but I don't like being told that my opinion is somehow invalid or superficial.