Thread: Webdav?
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Originally Posted by Brian View Post
We cannot do wired sync. It's not possible; only iTunes has access. WebDAV, either to MobileMe or some other provider, is the only option that we had available.
I understand...thank you for the information. It must be frustrating to be under Apple's thumb about this but (IMHO) if you want iOF to be as easy, reliable and rocking as your other apps are generally considered, some downloadable scripts, or even building web dav into OF or or or something is in order.

Many don't have the knowledge to enable webdav...many more (like me) don't really have the time (I'll probably break down and make some time but...) and many others (like me) don't want to a) pay for .me (or some equivalent) or b) be totally reliant on .me (or some equivalent).

Thank you for trying and good luck overcoming this usability conundrum!
