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I'd Suggest sending a sample into our support ninjas of the launch process and that should help them track the issue down.

You can capture a sample via activity monitor by selecting OmniFocus in the list and then in the view menu choose "Sample Process", just copy the contents of the new window into a text document and send it over to our ninjas (you can reply to the auto-reply we sent you).

However! A couple things you might try to fix the problem, I can't be sure these will help but they may....

Remove your caches folder found here:

(Where ~ is your home folder)

Replace your current database with a backup (though keep in mind any changes you've made since the last backup will be lost).

Your backups are by default stored here:

~/Documents/OmniFocus Backups/

Your database by default is stored here:

~/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus/OmniFocus.ofocus