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Originally Posted by Lizard View Post
1) I'm pretty sure that an iTunes backup would backup your OmniFocus database, but it's not convenient for me to try that out at the moment to be sure.
Lizard, with all due respect, this is not an appropriate answer to such a serious question, especially from an Omni employee. This is what I would expect from a fellow forum user with no vested interest in customer support.

The question of whether iPhone's backup to iTunes protects OmniFocus for iPhone data is a crucial one, as it effectively determines whether the iPhone app is truly "stand-alone", as Omni Group claims that it is. As such, kindly address this in a more rigorous manner, or find someone at Omni who will.

Again, with all due respect (a lot of it, I may add), and sincere hopes that this issue can be cleared up, for all of us who use your product in good faith.

Omar Canosa, M.D.