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Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
So yes, it's unfortunate, but certainly not unprofessional.
Sorry, Dennis, I disagree. Alpha software, by it's very nature, is not fit for public release. Whether it works for some isn't the point - a stable release of the desktop software required to make the advertised functionality work is still not available. That is what I perceive as unprofessional. And that people are having issues is not completely 'unfortunate', it should have been foreseeable.

Your other points re difficulty of development, though interesting, are not relevant to my argument as you will note that in my original post I put these aside and focused on the specific issue of an unfit release.

Harsh, maybe. True, yes, and that is unfortunate.

it's tough making a decision to not sign-off and to not release software, but sometimes it is the best option as it can save money and keep reputations intact. I speculate that the release was made in order to not miss the first wave of sales in the App Store, and that dealing with any associated flak from an incomplete app was deemed an acceptable consequence. That's a business decision, and one that has probably paid off given unofficial estimates of App Store sales (can't recall source, but it's big numbers for OF).

Anyway, enough of my voice. My point is made and my frustration satisfactorily vented.

On a sympathetic note: keep up the good work, Omni people, I appreciate it's tough at times like this.