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Hello Andrew,

One question. At the moment, after using Things for some time I switched to Omnifocus and I'm testing it. I like the program a lot and I'd like to buy it together with the Iphone version for being able to syncronize the task between my mac at work and the iphone and realise a complete GTD system.

Problem: at work I can use a mac but I cannot access my MobileMe account because it is blocked by the company firewall.

My understanding is that at the moment the syncing is done only through MobileMe and a WebDAVServer and cannot be done on a local basis. But this is preventing me and I guess many other people that cannot access MobileMe when they are at their workplace....

Is it right so I should wait for a further implementation of a local syncing or is there some way to overcome the blocked access to MobileMe ?

Thank you in advance