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Originally Posted by Lizard View Post
Christiaan: I'm not clear on what problem you're looking for a workaround for. Carlo mentioned checking the capitalization of your username. Another possibility was not having MobileMe configured. (A workaround for this is to enter your iDisk URL in the WebDAV tab instead of using the iDisk tab.) If you're having some other issue, please elaborate.
Lizard, my reading is that Christiaan needs a way to specify a different set of credentials than the ones set up for MobileMe in the System Preferences because at his office they use a common MobileMe account for syncing address book and bookmarks, and he wants to use his personal MobileMe account for the OmniFocus sync support.

Christiaan, have you tried with a more recent sneaky peek build, perhaps checking your keychain for any entries created by OmniFocus and deleting them first? I think there were some bugs which have been fixed that might have interfered with attempts to set up what I think you are asking. I was able to configure OmniFocus just now to use the WebDAV sync option with my .Mac credentials while having my .Mac preferences set to something else.