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I've updated to all the latest sneakypeeks & versions (7.29.08) and can report:

Syncing remains a disaster for my (real-world) usage scenario.

The usual - home laptop/iPhone sync ok, looks good, i'm feeling fine. Go to work and sync and see... work OF reports a sync but is synced incorrectly (e.g. date changes not incorporated and items reported overdue that are not).

Force a restore from an iDisk backup copy (stored in a different folder) - great, both iPhone and work OF are synced and up to date.

Make changes on iPhone, sync on work computer - uh oh. Items checked off are not checked off on the work computer. Sync again - get a result that is a 'sort of sync' in which changes made on the iPhone appear to be lost.

Not fun.

True, it's not a complete 'disaster', since stuff does happen. It's just a 'disaster' as a trusted system.

Hypothesis - there are real-world usage situations such that I and others are doing things in an unanticipated way? Only thing I can think of is making changes on the iPhone and shutting down before syncing. What else?