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OK, like many others here I'd like to see some improvements in adding and managing adblocking filters. I like the UI of AdBlock Plus, myself. but in the meantime, there's a fairly simple way to access the rules in OW and edit them in your favorite coding text editor (I use TextMate).
  1. Open Terminal, and quit Omniweb
  2. Copy your prefs file to your Desktop:
    cp ~/Library/Preferences/com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5.plist ~/Desktop/
  3. Convert the format of the file from Binary to XML:
    plutil -convert xml1 ~/Desktop/com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5.plist
  4. Open the file in your text editor and look for the key <key>OWAddressesToFilter</key>
  5. This is an array of <string> nodes. These are the filters. Edit as needed, following standard regex rules. In TextMate, I sort them too. Edit them to be simple as possible, e.g. "doubleclick\.net". You can also add new ones, just be sure to wrap them in <string></string>.
  6. When finished, save the file
  7. Convert it BACK to Binary
    plutil -convert binary1 ~/Desktop/com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5.plist
  8. Copy it back to the Preferences folder
    cp ~/Desktop/com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5.plist ~/Library/Preferences/
  9. Open OW and enjoy.