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Originally Posted by MacBerry View Post
OoohKaaay, sooo, we're saying that positioning all the files you may need below a tiny little window, is less work than invoking expose or switching to the desktop/another app some other way?
Well, when you put it that way, it does sound like a pain. But I'm not talking about bunches of files here. Maybe I'm working with a folder or OmniOutliner file; rather than positioning it at the upper right corner of my desktop, I might leave it halfway down or at the bottom right corner of the desktop. Not a big deal. And, I *do* use Exposé too, just not always. :)

Plus, remember I typically keep my inspector window closed, so I can see the whole right-hand side of my desktop, from top to bottom - plenty of room for at least one column of icons. So the situation you bring up only occurs if I have desktop icons I want to access and I need the inspector at the same time - an uncommon scenario.

Besides, access to desktop icons is just one reason. I also like to have easy access to whatever window(s) I might have behind OmniFocus. Sure, I can reach them with Exposé, and frequently do, but sometimes it's easier to just click directly on one of the several windows peaking out on the right side. I basically only resort to Exposé when I have to. I personally find things quicker and easier that way.

But, like you say, everyone has their own way of working. In fact, there seems to be a current trend (fad?) towards single-window layouts again, despite long-time resistance to the idea in the Mac UI. So clearly not everyone feels the way I do.

I miss the extra flexibility though. And I'll bemoan the seeming disinterest in all of the research and effort expended in the early days of the Mac OS that originally moved us away from the single-window/single-task paradigm and introduced us to the (then) new and exciting concept of multi-window GUIs and the mouse. :)
