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Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
What if the second "Quick Entry" app just synced with the remote data store to share data with the main OmniFocus iPhone app? Maybe that's a bit cumbersome, I don't know. Of course, it also wouldn't be a great solution for any iPhone-only customer who aren't already syncing with a remote server.

This is a fantastic idea.

It would be great to offer a quick entry app that went directly into a voice recording (see Note2Self), and then automatically synced the recording with the omnifocus data on mobileme.

If others wanted a shortcut for text entry, that could be a different quick entry app. If others wanted a shortcut for pictures, that could be a different quick entry app. By keeping them separate, a lot of the taps could be eliminated.

I personally would have the quick entry recorder in my dock, as I would access that more often than anything else on my phone. For me to find omnifocus on the phone useful, there has to be some way to get the idea capture process to about 5 seconds, and make it hands-free enough that I can do it while driving.