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I think MacBerry made some good points about areas where OF could improve.

I've been using Inbox extensively for quite some time before switching to OF. I switched because although i loved the Inbox Workflow and interface, the app was very buggy and code maintenance was & is next to catastrophic. I'm still monitoring MIs news but gave completely up on using the app.

MacBerry identified several points i loved in MI and still miss in OF.
- Automatic collection
- Inbox processing workflow
- Review workflows

It has been discussed here that automatic collection is not suited for everyone. I found it to be very useful but when it hiccuped and i had 400+ spam mails in my inbox it was a hard time :-). I can see the rather restrictive approach is not suitable for everyone but please take into account that that feature is optional. Furthermore it _is_ nice to have everything new on your Mac turn up automatically in your inbox for processing.

Besides the auto-collect feature:

I'd like to get more opinions on the processing & review points. I liked the way MI took my (newbie-)hand and guided me throught the workflows. I really missed this in OF and felt completely left out in the open in the beginning. After some learning OF works nicely for me now but still a guiding processing feature would help in these tasks i think. Why did i like MIs workflows:
- Focus on the thing at hand (when working through my inbox i see only one item and i have all steps for processing this item right at hand. There is no list with 20+ other items that discracts me in that moment)
- All tools in one view when processing/reviewing (In OF i sometimes have to mouse-move between the current items line in the main window and the inspector in order to change something (e.g. processing interval), in MI this was much faster and nicer as the corresponding UI elements could be tabbed and where positioned closely together in the process/review workflow view)
- Using a special "workflow" view for processing/reviewing put me in a different state of mind and focused on these steps (I got less distracted by seeing some action in the list that hooked me on thinking about it. This happens quite often for me with OF. However this may be a very individual perception on my side)

That said even MIs workflows where not perfect, so there's plenty of improvements possible either way... :-D

What do you guys think think about distinctive Process/Review views as in MI?
