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Originally Posted by granth39 View Post
Yes, I realize I do not have to involve iCal with OF. It was my impression that work items/tasks/next actions from OF could also sync with iCal. Maybe I misunderstood.
No, you didn't misunderstand. But if you have OF syncing with mini-OF on the iPhone, I'm not sure what you need OF to sync with iCal for, as the primary reason for that feature seemed to be to allow some compatibility with other devices that sync with iCal. OF currently only sends ToDo entries to iCal, not actual calendar events ("meet with Joe in conf rm. B" @ 10:00AM Tuesday, 2 hours). So, in my opinion, you aren't missing anything important by leaving that feature turned off, especially given that your iCal sync with MobileMe doesn't work!


Anything that I put into iCal on my desktop is there and only there. It won't sync with Palm, MobileMe, or iPhone.

All entities are enabled to sync. We have used the Advanced MobileMe features to PUSH all data to desktop and replace it to no avail.

We deleted iCal .plists and caches -- Two calls to Apple support for 1 hour each with no success.
I'm surprised they didn't want you to try the fresh user approach. That's been a pretty frequent tactic when I've had sync problems in the past with .Mac and MobileMe. Hopefully, they'll get to the bottom of it for you sooner rather than later!