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Originally Posted by Bob Williams
Closely related, it'd be nice if, every time, we *could* save login information.

I know with one of the recent releases, OW added support for the HTML form property that tells it not to save form logins. (I forget what it is - I never use it because I believe in leaving control in users' hands.) Is there any way to get it to *not* honor that property? My computers are all properly secured, so there's no reason for me not to have the convenience of autofilled logins just because there are users out there who need to be protected from themselves.
Perhaps this bookmarklet will work in OW to allow you to do this; haven't tried it recently though (and I don't really remember if it ever worked in OW).

javascript:(function(){var ca,cea,cs,df,dfe,i,j,x,y;function n(i,what){return i+" "+what+((i==1)?"":"s")}ca=cea=cs=0;df=document.forms;for(i=0;i<df.length;++i){x=df[i];dfe=x.elements;if(x.onsubmit){x.onsubmit="";++cs;}if(x.attributes["autocomplete"]){x.attributes["autocomplete"].value="on";++ca;}for(j=0;j<dfe.length;++j){y=dfe[j];if(y.attributes["autocomplete"]){y.attributes["autocomplete"].value="on";++cea;}}}alert("Removed autocomplete=off from "+n(ca,"form")+" and from "+n(cea,"form element")+", and removed onsubmit from "+n(cs,"form")+". After you type your password and submit the form, the browser will offer to remember your password.")})();