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Originally Posted by Sappetta View Post
I also vote for the "recur on certain day" feature, but:

My repeating tasks are not at regular intervals: they just start again on given dates.

So what I would really need is to specify the actual *calendar date* when the project should become active again, es September 15th, 2008, and *not* intervals like "the first Tuesday of the month, the last day of the month".
I also would like this feature. I use OF to keep track of when I have to prepare lectures and other materials for teaching. I always want a recurring tasks in the future, but it isn't always on a given day. I end up keeping one task all semester and update the due date each time I complete (say) a lecture. This is a workable kludge, but it means that I don't get any historical information on when I did what. It's also tempting to check the completion box, but then I'd lose the task altogether (to my horror and the delight of students!).

I would like to see OF support a process like this:
  • I check off a task (e.g., lecture prep)
  • OF adds a recurrence of the task and also prompts me for the new due date
  • OF adds new task to task list.
