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Originally Posted by watchit View Post
Thanks malisa, but you have me at a loss... what/where is the 'no start date' section?
The grouping selector in the view bar has as one of its choices Group by Start. If you use that one, it will divide up the displayed projects or actions by start date, with sections for things starting today, tomorrow, yesterday, this past week, etc. including a section for all of them that have no start date. If you close that section and save the display as a perspective, you'll have the closest thing you can get at the moment to a display of only things with start dates.

Note that the grouping is done by the earliest date only. In other words, a project that has a start date of 3 months ago, but has an action that has a start date of yesterday, will only show up in the "started 3 months ago" section. OF does not sprinkle the actions into all the possible sections where they might occur, only the earliest one. Reasonable people can disagree over this behavior, but like it or not, it is something to be aware of in the current product.