Thread: Three cheers!
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By way of encouragement and thanks, I thought I'd briefly share my view after 2 days of using the iPhone app.

I've been using the desktop app for several months, but had fallen out of the routine of it. To work effectively with OF, I was having to do a little planning session each morning and print out the day's tasks - on A5 paper to go into my planner. Then, in the office, I'd use and write on that paper copy... to update OF when back home. Not ideal as a routine, and easily dropped out of.

OF for iPhone was one of the attractions of getting the iPhone, but it took me a while to actually buy the app, sign up to Mobileme and get started. Eventually, though....

Two days ago I bought the iPhone app and signed up to Mobileme. Very quickly I had everything set up and was able to start exploring the app.

Yesterday was my first 'live' day, using the iPhone at work to manage the day. It was a dream. Great to be able to enter new projects and tasks. I used flags (for the first time) to set the 'absolutely must do today' tasks, and that gives a very clear focus to your work moment-by-moment.

In the evening I tried GPS/Nearby, and immediately fell in love with it. It works so smoothly and intuitively. Sheer genius.

One development I need, and I know is on the way, is the ability to create repeating actions.

Anyway, no piercing insights here, but one very satisfied new user!