Thread: Appointments
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To piggyback what Curt was saying, I agree and add: there are actions, there are appointments and there are also single and multi-day events. Right now in OF, there are also projects, which to me are a combination of all. You want to check off when a project as a whole is complete (a big giant action), and many people (myself included) like to see projects and how they span in a calendar view, and projects in this sense are more time and calendar based.

I think the key here really is maintaining flexibility and keeping it simple, because it is obvious from the boards that (1) OF is already a flexible program (2) everyone really uses OF their own way (3) Simple is important to current and new users. And honestly, as much as I am a cheerleader for this enhancement, I don't want ALL of my projects showing up as spanned events in ical. In fact, I don't even bother syncing tasks to ical because ical is just worthless for tasks. I would like the flexibility of being able to choose what goes over, and how it goes over to ical. Hence my idea of being able to assign to every entry: 1. Send me to ical's tasks. 2. Send me to ical's calendar 3. Don't touch me. lol. You could, in preferences, set a default for every action. True GTD folks could keep the default as "nothing" and it would be as if the program never changed ;)

Another way to do this would be for Omni to add in a entry that is an event (as Curt mentioned). You create a new action, or a new event. However, this doesn't address being able to span projects over to a calendar view.

As crazy as this sounds, once a week, I export my OF in OP just so I can get the overview I am talking about. Then I export OP into html for my team so they have a weekly update of what they need to do (after running some filters to assign resources to contexts). I could just work in OP I suppose, but I rely on OF far too heavily for my own projects and actions and tasks and essentially my entire life. OP is great for the big view, OF is great for the individual view. I know Omni is working on eventually getting OF and OP to play together and sync together, so I think it is safe to say Omni is already having to consider this whole event vs. action vs. task discussion anyhow. And that's why I choose to discuss it on the boards, so at least Omni can get a sense for what many different types of users think :)