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Originally Posted by ucs308 View Post
OK. I did what support suggested - sorry I lost the email you sent, so I am replying here. Now I keep getting the following error.

The server returned "bad gateway" (502) in response to a request to "MOVE /myStuff/OmniFocus.ofocus-copy-in-progress-ifEKS97IBp7".

I had to move 300+ files that started OmniFocus.oFocus-copy-in-progress-

I know the common theme here is that this is a unique problem, but I don't see it. This so called WebDAV server is running on a standalone headless Mac Mini (PowerPC, OS X, 10.4.11) I had lying around. It does nothing except serv ical calendars and sync for OmniFocus and my iPhone. Since I got the original error Omnifocus has not been able to sync.

FYI. iCal Calendars continue to work fine.
You are totally welcome to post to this board, but I don't know what's going wrong. The best way to get this issue resolved is to send another email to our Ninjas. Referencing bug #47656 will help them find your previous issue faster.