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I, too, manage a team and projects. There are two reasons why making "people" into contexts does not work effectively for me:

1) Sometimes a task item involves more than one person (at least at my organizational level) or
2) My own work context will be differ when handling the person-assigned tasks (some by email, others in person, etc.).

OF does not let you have multiple contexts for a single item. That being so, I'm forced into a choice: organize my work by people even though some parts of that work will, in true GTD sense, vary contextually or organize my lists by contexts by making people into projects defeating, of course, any true project view.

The only good solution for managers who need more flexibility are modifications to OF or use of another product where people are handled as a separate item. A good example of the later approach would be iGTD (though further development is stalled). It lets you do projects, contexts, and assign items to people. Personally, I think there's much to commend OF if it would just add a little more flexibility by adding the option (turned off or on) to have the element "people" as part of the things an item can have.