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Originally Posted by CorgiGirl View Post
When I look at some of your examples, I might word then as: "Restrict database to allow Action C only on location X" and then give more detail in the notes field. :)
I agree. If they're things you want to check off of a list, then they must be actions or waiting-for's of some sort. Try to convert anything that you want to check off as a discrete action, then put any pertinent reference material in the notes or elsewhere. This is critical for me, as it keeps the non-actionable items off the to do list... keeps it from being an amorphous blob of undoability.

Of course, there are some arbitrary lines that must be drawn between actionable and reference.... after all, you alter your actions based on what you find in the reference. When I notice that I'm trying to plan a project more than I really need to, it helps to remember that the purpose of GTD isn't to plan every project from start to finish in miniscule detail, but to provide an organized place to do a brain dump, so I can focus my energies on only one thing at a time.