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Originally Posted by curt.clifton View Post
It's very useful to save perspectives with a set of selected contexts. For example, my Work Actions perspective just has my at-the-office contexts selected. However, that doesn't mean that the context sidebar should be focused when that perspective is selected. If OF would give the content pane focus when activating a perspective, then the chance of accidental deleting contexts would be a lot less.
I read this and thought to myself, "didn't I just post that very suggestion this morning?" A few seconds flipping through my windows and I found the post, previewed but not yet submitted :-)
That said, it makes sense to me that Delete on a context, folder, or project in the sidebar would require confirmation, with Command-Delete skipping the confirmation step. That feels like the right balance between avoiding accidental, large-scale actions without requiring complex configuration options.
That sounds like a reasonable proposal to me. Omni could give us a plist option we could write with the defaults command if we wanted to keep the current behavior. But what about deletion via the "-" button at the bottom of the sidebar? Does that need confirmation as well? Or should it be the "delete, no questions asked" option?