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Originally Posted by bnz View Post
sorry for awaking this old thread. i have been using the sneaky peeks for a while now and today updated to 1.5. The automatic update from the omni programs very often does not work smoothly for me. That is, the update works, but then i cannot empty my trash, because there are supposedly some files still in use although the omni app isn't open (this time OmniFocusMetadataImporter). This is really happening to me all the time - also with Omnigraffle. It seems to me as if your own update framework is still kind of buggy. Why not just switch to Sparkle and solve all these inconvenciences.
The files in use are typically OmniFocus components provided to other parts of the system, such as Mail or Spotlight. I see no reason to believe the situation would be any different using Sparkle. You'll get the same error even if you download the bits yourself from the web page.