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Originally Posted by schnipp67 View Post
I only have/had german for keyboard and country/region setting. So no change in terms of displayed character set.

Any other advice or suggestion?
The iPhone maintains an ordered list of your preferred languages, and when it launches an app it uses the first language in the list. While German is currently selected as your first language, it sounds like Japanese is currently above English in your list of alternate languages.

You can see the order of this list in iPhone Settings>General>International>Language. Unfortunately, you can't edit it directly there.

Instead, to move English higher in the list, you can temporary enable English as an alternate keyboard (under iPhone Settings>General>International>Keyboards). Once you've done this, you can turn it back off, and your iPhone should now show you OmniFocus in English rather than Japanese.

(By the way, a German translation is currently in progress; we expect it to be ready in time for v1.1.4.)