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Originally Posted by sawxray View Post
4. When I select one of the above distance buttons, I assume I am being sent to 'Maps'. There, I see only one choice for a grocery store or dry cleaner. Can I see multiple merchants and select the one I want?
I think getting this feature may make the difference between using OF or not for me (bought the iPhone app, trial testing the Mac app, going to decide within my 14 day trial whether to buy it and use both, or drop both, since I would only find either useful in combination with the other.)

Here's my example use case posted elsewhere here on the forums (hope that's ok):

I'd like to know where the nearest real grocery store is when out of town (and my explicit A OR B OR C list may not correspond to grocery chains in that area), but half the time it just shows me a Shell or Arco station's mini-mart, because they are listed as grocery stores. Not helpful when I need to shop for Thanksgiving dinner fixings.

Of course, sometimes a Coke and bag of Cheet-Os may be all I need and the mini-mart would be great, so the real issue is that the Business Search database taxonomy (wherever that lives) doesn't have sufficient granularity to serve my common use cases. (Or maybe it does - I'm blind guessing what keywords will work as business searches, so if there is a published taxonomy, can you point me to it?)

A solution that would provide lots of other benefits would be to show all the relevant businesses within a set radius, and include them ALL on the Google map you link to from the <1 mile button in the location headers. This is pretty much what other business search apps like Yelp do, and it's infinitely useful. It would help me screen out the mini marts, and also choose to go .1 mile further to a supermarket that I knew had the brand of whatever I preferred. Getting a single, closest hit is just not helpful enough that I'm even confident I'll get in the habit of using locations, and I LOVE the idea.
