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Originally Posted by Brian View Post
We've got a number of requests for things that folks would like to see on the home screen; the things that are there now are the things that we figure almost everyone would use. Next Actions are somewhat of a GTD-ism; if you use some other productivity method, you may not use them or know what they are. For that type of user, a top-level item would represent wasted screen real estate at best, and a source of "this app is too complicated" feelings at worst. Software engineering is all about tradeoffs...
All your marketing speaks of GTD. I'm curious why you would sell an app claiming it is GTD when it lacks GTD-ism? How about this:

David Allen’s book and task management methodology “Getting Things Done®" has been a big inspiration for best-practice use of OmniFocus.

I guess that's how the software is sold. It's not an Engineering tradeoff is it? It's a monetary flow tradeoff where a specific client loses.

I'm really pissed I ended up spending for OF the iPhone.

If this is a real Engineering tradeoff, then a solution is simple: When installing the app for the first time, users should be asked if they are following a GTD method or not. Based on the response, a database is created for them. This way you don't lose either of your Clients respect (Both GTDers and others).

That's how an Engineering issue is handled. Not by simply calling it a tradeoff and not dealing with it but by finding a solution. Literally.