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jenniferp asked for more detail about how I set up iCal to open the review checklists. Here's what I did to automatically open my Evening Review checklist:
  1. I created a new calendar in iCal called Reminders. Having a separate calendar lets me hide the items that trigger the reviews so my usual iCal view isn't any more cluttered.
  2. I created a new event in iCal set for 9:45pm with time zone floating. (This makes the event happen at a consistent local time, even when I'm traveling.)
  3. I set the event to repeat every day with no end date.
  4. I added an Alarm to the event to open my Evening Review file.
  5. Finally, I selected a different calendar in the sidebar and unchecked the Reminders calendar. This hides the reminders, but they still fire.

There's only one catch. We have an old PB in our family room that we use as a media server. I sync calendars on it and my MBP using MobileMe. When the Evening Review alarm fires on the PB, it can't find the checklist file, so I get an error dialog on that machine. Not really a big deal, but something to be aware of.
