Thread: Task status
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Originally Posted by mixandgo View Post
That's just an ugly hack, I'd like to know how to do that properly and fast. There should be something like a status and a comment to that task, when marked as waiting it should ask for a comment/note so you know why or who you're waiting for.

How do other people handle this ?

In what way is that an ugly hack? It seems like a pretty good solution with the tools available. If you want to ask Omni for something else, do so with Help->Send Feedback or email to, but there's no predicting when you might actually get it...assuming they choose to implement it in your desired fashion. Curt's script, like all of his scripts, works well and is available now. It can also be modified if you're willing to invest a bit of effort.

I think you'll find that what most people do amounts to the equivalent of what the script does, except with less automation!

I have a Waiting For context tree, and an Agenda context tree. The Waiting For contexts are marked as on hold in the inspector, so encountering an action with that as the context causes that sequence to halt until I mark it completed. Some examples are Waiting For : Email and Waiting For : Calls. The action and/or note contains information about what I'm waiting for and why. My Agenda contexts are people that I interact with regularly. These are not marked as on hold. The action and note describe some action to be taken when we are next in contact or in the same place.