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Originally Posted by Brian View Post
In our opinion, you should enter an action on your calendar or in OmniFocus; not both. Each tool can help you organize a certain type of task better than the other.

Hard landscape items go on the calendar, with the fuzzier, less-well-defined stuff sitting in OmniFocus to pull from as you're able. Check your calendar, and if it doesn't have anything for you, check OmniFocus. Splitting the info is counter-intuitive, but it really is more effective.
I agree for things that are by their nature different, like meetings, this is true. But for projects, with milestones or finish dates it is bizarre to try to manage the task and the event in two different pieces of software. I understand the ideal you are shooting for, because calenders don't capture well the nature of mosts tasks - but it is overly idealistic, and tries to wish away the reality of a third type of task: the task that is time associative.

I have 6 months of tasks in omnifocus, having something to do to use my time wisely is not the problem, knowing when to do it is.

How about this: you can leave omnifocus as-is for those who's brains would explode if they had spatial/time/gantt visualization of tasks. And for the rest of us who actually need to run our businesses and be responsive to clients rather than philosophize about the true nature of GTD: upgrade omniplan to have the more efficient omnifocus interface for entering tasks, contexts, ctl-option-space entry, and preferences for better (less hand-tweaking) automatic generation of the gantt timeline.

Last edited by tah; 2009-02-17 at 07:47 AM..