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Originally Posted by Lizard
I'd like to understand better.......
If a project manager doesn't need to know the sub-tasks, why is the distinction between one big task and a group with unspecified sub-tasks important?
In some sense, isn't every task really a group of unspecified sub-tasks? I may say the task is "put on my shoes", but it can be broken down into
1. find shoes
2. put left foot in left shoe
3. tie left shoe
4. put right foot in right shoe
5. tie right shoe
In theory what you say is correct. However, in practice when constructing detailed plans, it is far better (existing PM practice) to lay down the blocks of that plan using a group that visually and clearly indicates large, high level chunks of time/activities. I wouldn't argue that your approach is wrong, I guess its a case of old ideas meeting new and how radical you wish to be with the application.