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Originally Posted by Brian View Post
To the original poster: I'm sorry we broke your workflow. I know how frustrating that can be.
Thanks Brian for your kind understanding.

Originally Posted by Brian View Post
In any case, here's how the problem happened: we tested the app on 10.4, we tested the app on 10.5, and we tested the app with the most recent version of MailTags. We didn't notice that the version of MailTags we tested with wasn't compatible with 10.4, so we missed the problem that you caught.
Although this did not help, but still thanks for the explanation.

Originally Posted by Brian View Post
Until we can test and release the build Ken's talking about, I would suggest reverting to version 1.5; we make sure that older builds of our applications are available for download just in case something like this happens. You can download version 1.5 from this link.

For what it's worth, you did get responses by posting this, but it didn't speed anything up. Looking at the support queue, one of the support ninjas emailed you back about 2 hours after we opened; we didn't see your post for several hours after that.
Brian, FYI it did help, I got Ken to confirm the problem and the date this is going to be fix. My last email to support 6 month ago have gone into a black hole. My friends and colleague are watching this post closely as they wonder is it worth buying other products from your company. They wonder why your ninjas just give a superficial answer to support issue.

Brian did it occur to you, I live in a different timezone?
Also my job is to serve my customer not debug OF, so I have to fulfill my task list in OF before I have time to debug or post staff in OF forum.
I hope you understand, oh that is why I have OF to help me at the first place.

Originally Posted by Brian View Post
To the folks that defended us: I know it comes from a good place, and no, no one's getting banned. However, I don't want to create the impression that it's okay to shout down folks that are unhappy or that you need to use the most recent OS to get help.
Thanks Brian, this is the right attitude in approaching issue. I am sorry if others have been provoke by this post (that is the idea at the first place). The reason for this post is to see if OF team listen. You do good!

I also feel sorry for those who only use a few feature of OF and shouted loudest. (this statement is provoking again for those with very few task, do not collect task via email or web, do not sync iCal or use MailTag)

I hope Ken will keep his word, so two weeks from now.

P.S. for those who read this post with the subject title as "OmniFocus 1.6 incompatible with MailTags 2.1.1 on Tiger (10.4) " and complain, you have been mislead. (by who?)

Someone (administrator) have changed the title of this post. It was:
"Do not upgrade or buy Omnifocus 1.6 if you use Tiger OS".

Last edited by henrylwk; 2009-03-20 at 10:02 AM..