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I don't think there's any doubt that more flexible action repeat patterns would be useful. The best way to figure out what our customers want is to pay attention to what they tell us. Right now, there are things that our customers are telling us they want more than this feature.

One example: adding UI for creating repeating actions to the iPhone version; it can't yet do what the desktop app does.

Despite the desktop app having over six months of a head start on the iPhone one, there are more votes attached to the "I need repeating actions like the desktop" request than to the "I need more flexible repeat options" request.

More requests in less time means we should probably pay attention to that. :-)

Not saying that we're not going to do this; just partially explaining why we haven't done it yet. (Another reason is localizations: if we add a bunch of new repeat UI, we have to localize it for all the languages we support.)