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Originally Posted by abates17 View Post
Having a list sorted by priority does not require me to do the top item on the list, any more than if the list were sorted alphabetically. It just gives me more information (more perspective, if you will) that I can use to help make my decisions. I am using GTD as well, WITH priorities, and there is NOTHING about having priorities that contradicts using GTD. Priorities do not keep me from reviewing my list of tasks and finding something to do; they do not keep me from reviewing my projects on a weekly basis. They merely provide one more piece of information that I can use. And frankly, I am surprised at how many people complain that a prioritization system means that we want our systems to “magically choose our priorities” for us.
I agree completely; but to my view OF does now use priority in its own way, although certainly not as obvious as in lifebalance. As has been said by others, I think that the developers are aware (probably!) of an interest by some in priority being done differently in OF. Although such a change might happen someday, it might be useful to use this user forum to ask the advice of other users who are using OF as it is now to handle prioritization issues.