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Well now boys don't get your panties in a wad....

What I have not been smoking is the sarcasm that comes from such prideful people on this Omniscient list. Ghandi was an idiot. well a peaceful idiot. but he still had a gun under that robe.

Making step by step interactions is only the sign of military mind or priority task master.

Ranting is not what I was doing. Ranting is when you ramble on incoherently with vehement anger.


It is kind of like putting the wrong enFASSuss on the wrong SIL-OB-UL

but people speak in code speak today, and get all undone....

I must make it very clear that what the dude who was so 'sure' he had figured out what my problem was, really just has not walked a mile in my shoes. If in fact he had sat in this seat, and witnessed what I saw. It was not merely, a DOUBLE CLICKING gesture, to make something go into a more FOCUSED group....have you.

ALL of the ITEMS were LINKS

does this make sense?

ONLY 'clicking'
or 'clucking'

depending upon what country you are from.

But, still, giving directions without seeing the SCREEN GRAB
is a bit like trying to teach Helen Keller how to do brain surgery.

You may have all the right steps and have memorized the manual but there are still chances of BUGS.

And, this was a bug.

I don't have this happening anymore since I have trashed the preferences.

I would like to send you the file or a you could have an experience like I did...

But, after the fact you would feel like you were making fun of a crippled person. Because you didn't realize that what I was experiencing is NOT in the MANUAL....

And who ever thought of setting something from 12AM to 1159pm?
that is great idea....

why? such extra hassle? adding dates upon dates?
why tell something you are going to be doing it again tommorrow by giving it such precise numbers....sounds like NASA...ooops they forgot the metric system....or was it inches....or yards...or footcandles....I can't remember.

on iCal...I don't have to THUNK such extra baggage.
only to add the item "MEDITATE LIKE GHANDI"
repeat daily.
when you add this option of based on COMPLETION DATE? or START DATE? or was it DUE DATE? isn't that COMPLETION? whatever...
It shouldn't matter if you are making something DAILY REPEAT.
Give me an example of why you would want to set something in these two different methods of decision, and I will understand the reasoning behind the extra decision making. But, if you ask me to fill in a box checked ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO REPEAT? or just RE-REPEAT? there is a difference.
One creates a FEEDBACK LOOP....
the other, thinks ahead.
what was happening was I was getting a REPEAT
You try to check it off
it comes right back!
no check it off!
it comes right back!
and you can't see the is on the iphone...

but if you sync it back to the Desktop....

One gets checked, as the other one is UNCHECKED...
Now you show me in your manual Harding where it says that syncing will create a feedback loop of inadequate productivity.

but, again, if you were NOT in my shoes...

you would be such an arrogant piece of work of pride
having already READ the MANUAL
and being such a WISE MANUAL READER.
Would have realized, that it doesn't matter what the manual says, if the INTERFACE, reacts a certain way it is BROKEN.

If the ICE MACHINE keeps pouring out ice....onto the floor.

it isn't because the USER failed to READ the MANUAL
Even if there are 1000's of downloads, sounds like me!
There are 1000's of GM cars not being bought....but collecting dust too!
it is still a broken ice machine....dumping ice onto the floor.
but we have been doing it this way for 50 years!
The issue seems to be fixed.

But, again, I like to use this forum as it should be used in dealing with the issues at hand.

Details. And Perception.

oooh me smokem peace pipe....make uh bald man with glasses in robe laugh real hard!

Ghandi and Gunga Din don't use OF

I am sure it would be too difficult an apparatus for trying to promote peace or war.....

Speak softly but carry a big sponge.


PS- here are the jpg images of the OF screen....I hope this helps share the shoes....and the humor....8-)
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

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ID:	903   Click image for larger version

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