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Originally Posted by wilsonng View Post
The biggest feature was the "review" mode. At the time of decision making, Things didn't really have anything like this. Haven't checked in a while.
Things still doesn't have a review mode. Their progress seems to have stagnated a bit, but they are hinting that a new version will be released shortly. Unless they have done some major changes, it is unlikely to even be a blip on my personal radar of GTD tools.

I love the three distinctive modes in OmniFocus as well. Things and Hit List feel shallow in that regard. Midnight Inbox has them, but during my evaluation of it (a long time ago — it may have changed), it was excessively rigid in its workflow.

I think if OmniFocus moves towards flexibility and interface customization, the competition will have to step up their efforts several notches. Vibrant competition will benefit us all.