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I've been a long time Life Balance user, but have begun looking at Omni Focus for two reasons.

1. Ease of Entry vs. Life Balance - Without a doubt, working within OF is the fastest of any of the products I have tried for quick entry of stray items. And if I don't get the information entered, the system will never become trusted.

2. The Review Perspective and ability to soar higher.

Given that, I'm starting with three TLF's (Top Level Folders).

• Working for the Man - This is my day to day job focus. Things I do to put food on the table.

• Working for the Future - There is a term from the Neal Stephenson novel, Cryptonomicon of F*** You Money. It is defined as "any amount of money allowing infinite perpetuation of wealth necessary to maintain a desired lifestyle without needing employment or assistance from anyone." This folder holds anything related to investements, savings, future careers, whatever it takes to hit that threshold.

• Achieving Balance - I didn't want to fall into the Home/Work context again because I find that makes it hard to rise above the noise. So, this section is sort of zen like to me. It involves things I have to do to maintain a stress-free life (orderly and peaceful environment, staying healthy, taking time to sip the coffee (smelling the roses is highly overrated).

On a day-to-day basis, the TLF's don't really come into play. Where they do help is in the review sessions. I do a seperate review for each focus point, and really try to look at every activity from the perspective of that high level.