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Originally Posted by mseibert View Post
As I initiated this thread I wanted to give an update on my situation. I am not using the iPhone-app ever since I wrote this thread.

The syncing simply does not work any more.

A lot of praise goes to the stunning support of OmniFocus-Ninjas, that tried to help me a lot. I did not invest enough time to say, that their tips did not help. So part of the problem is me. :-D

Unfortunately my OmniFocus-File has grown to 20 MB although have hardly 1.000 Tasks. No wonder the sync does not work. I am using 4 different Macs, that sync regularly.

Does anybody know how to reduce the file size?
Read my post here for details on how to figure out if you have some enormous attachments in your database that are causing it to swell to such size. Maybe someday a sufficiently motivated individual will write a script or OmniFocus will have some built-in means to show you embedded attachment size, but for now, that will do the trick. I made reference to 1.0 and 1.1, but as far as I've noticed there haven't been any changes to the file format which would affect the instructions.