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Is there any capability in OmniOutliner Pro for 2 users to be simultaneously making changes to a document from their respective computers? For example, if I moved an outline onto a central server, could 2 people open the file & make changes and edit it simultaneously?

I don't think that would work, so I'm hoping for some sort of a SubEthaEdit functionality added to OmniOutliner in a future version... for collaborative outlining over a WAN (or LAN, but preferably over a WAN).

My screenwriting partner and I would love to both be working on our screenplay outline simultaneously... from 2 separate computers. And we're usually in 2 separate locations, so doing this over a WAN would be ideal.

If not that, then I suppose a second-best option would be to have a "track changes" feature, so we can email the outline back & forth to each other and see what new changes were made.

Or a "sync" feature might work too -- although my screenwriting partner and I don't share the same MobileMe account, so we wouldn't be able to sync through MobileMe.
