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I hope this is an easy one for you experts!

I have spent the past two weekends studying the manual and reading many posts, and have a fairly firm understanding of perspectives (and have set up perspectives for "Tickler", "Waiting", "Important" and "Today", along with keyboard shortcuts), my "Waiting" context, my "Someday/Maybe" folder/context, my "Tickler" folder/context, and two great scripts (Complete and Await Reply, and Defer, both of which are now resident on my toolbar).

I have found a little issue which I cannot figure out, though. When I go to my "Tickler" perspective (for example), which shows up in context mode, and move an action to a different context (when it becomes important for me to take action), the view shifts so that ALL contexts and their associated actions are visible. The title remains that of "Perspective: Tickler".

Interestingly, this only happens if the action is a "Next Action", "Due Soon", "Overdue", but not with "Blocked" actions.

Is there any way that I can move an action to a different context, yet remain in the same context focus?
