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Having seriously been through the mill with futzing around with a zillion mac + web + blackberry solutions - and currently worn out with the whole shebang, (conclusion = Mac and Blackberry = sync misery) I have settled on a master plan of; Omnifocus + iPhone 3.0 + Mac....(will get the new iPhone this summer...)

I have now bought and have started to use OF desktop.

I have stopped using the Mac Mail Leopard ToDo's I used to love... ..and have deleted all those ToDo's on my Blackberry

While I wait for the next gen iPhone I am running a Blackberry curve 8900 (which I have become increasingly disenchanted with...)

So just for task "capture" or 'mind dumping' I want to try to try the email-to-in box method....

I may try to work up the courage to try the iCal ToDo 'task' and OF Context sync.. But I dread that ***ing 'hall of mirrors' duplicate entry nightmare you can get yourself into with syncing applications that dont 100% like to play ball with each other.. So unless I get some positive feedback on Omnifocus @context + iCal + Blackberry I think I may just give that whole can of worms a miss..I don't think I can bear any more data loss / task mayhem in my life..

I think a web version of OF would be nice for users with PC's.. (but don't web apps always struggle to 'hook' fully into 3rd party desktop apps?)

Speaking of hooks I am trying to rally support to get the OF iPhone to take advantage of one of iPhone OS 3.0's potential new hooks here

Send in your request too!

P.S The only thing that could lead me off this planned GTD gadget path would be the Palm Pre.. But I doubt an app will emerge for the Pre that can impress as much as OF with its smart phone & Mac integration. An 'all in one' system is vital to me...

P.P.S I am guessing that being Mac only is a business strategy for the Omni group..

Last edited by Casper TFG; 2009-04-26 at 04:19 AM..