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Nice post.

I'd love to see a simple weekly calendar in OF, whereby I could actually plan out a week and select either context or project views. At the beginning of each day I could plan out which projects and/or contexts I want to operate at a certain time of the day, and OF would notify (by Growl) that it is time to move on. E.g. this might be a 2 hour window for 'project: admin' then a 1 hour slot for 'context: email' etc. For a five minutes either side of a change, it might present a split screen of the previous context (to close of the previous actions and review) as well as a view of the upcoming context with the next few actions to help get you think about the next switch.

I don't think iCal hacks are the bext way to do this, and would love to see a tool for managing timeslots links to projects/contexts directly in OF.

Please? :)

Last edited by rediguana; 2009-05-15 at 12:26 AM..