Thread: Archiving
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I'm pretty new to OF, and liking it a lot. One of the things that has been useful to me is that when I check an item off, it is available to me in a "Completed Items" perspective ... I've changed the format prefs so the completed items are not struck-through, and are thus more easily read in that view, and there's a Completed Date column, so I can look at the items and tell instantly when they were done (which is often helpful to me.)

I understand that these are going to quickly add up and increase the file size, so I plan to use Move Old Data to Archive. But before I do, I have some questions.

1) At about what file size should I start worrying about too many completed items slowing thing down (I do sync OF from laptop to iPhone).

2) Are the items in the archive indexed - and thus accessible - by spotlight?

3) When I open the archive file, does the main OF file stay open, or is it replaced the archive file?

4) Can archiving only be done manually? In other words, I can't have items more than 45 days old move over automatically ... I have to physically set a date each time I want to archive. Yes?

Thanks in advance,
