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Originally Posted by admiralackbar74 View Post
I'm trying to figure out a way to have my school stuff in OF. Here's what I would like:
Folder: School
Project: Class Name (i.e. "Intro. to Lit.")
*Course reading & online posts
*Research paper

I want to have each class as a project so that I can "complete" it when the quarter/semester is over. If each class is a folder, I'm left with deleting the folder, correct?
You can also mark a folder as dropped. When you do that, the folder and anything inside it will not appear in the sidebar if you are viewing any of the sidebar choices except All or Dropped.
But, if I make the "sub-projects" groups instead of projects, there's no way of putting them "on hold" and so forth.
The correct term is action group, not sub-project, because as you've noticed, action groups do not have all the functionality of projects. You can postpone the items in the action group by setting a start date on the action group some time in the future.

Do you think you're going to have many opportunities to put a section of your classwork on hold? :-)
Thoughts on how I might implement my idea? Am I approaching this correctly?
It doesn't seem like an unreasonable approach. I sketched out an example of how I might use OF in school in