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As soon as I saw the tweet from @omnigroup about beta/nightly versions of both Omniweb and Omnifocus I nearly jumped to my feet. The only reason I still hadn't looked into Omniweb is that I, like many others, thought development had all but ceased on the browser. I'm so glad I was wrong.

The Likes
  • Super fast - I'm really enjoying the speed of the browser. Doesn't make me feel like I'm lagging behind. I know it's just Webkit but I really like using it as compared to Tracemonkey or whatever Opera's engine is.
  • Visual tabs are great! I never knew Omniweb implemented these - absolutely fantastic. I really enjoy viewing them.
  • Shortcuts and Keywords - Thank god, I had to resort to using a couple of hacks through GlimmerBlocker just to emulate this in Safari (wasn't nearly as easy).
  • Saved Workspaces - Very cool, don't know how often I'll use it.
  • Shared Bookmarks - I'll definitely have to look more into this, could be really useful for an iPhone/iPod or using another computer.
  • 1Password Integration - Simply put, I wouldn't use a browser that didn't have 1password and I'm so glad it works exactly as it should!
  • Expandable Text Area
  • Save as Webarchive - useful for LittleSnapper
  • Open Links in Background in Google Reader - HELL YES
  • Did I mention visual tabs are great?

The Dislikes
  • Web Developer - I'm able to right click on an element and inspect it, bringing up the Web Inspect from Webkit. Are there any plans to put this into a menu item for easier accessibility?
  • Marked Pages - I found Next and Previous Marked page but I'm having trouble using them (ie: they're not working). Couldn't find any documentation on the feature either.
  • Specific :: Vimeo - Full screen doesn't work on embeds.
  • Not enough to dislike - Seriously, this is all I can come up with for right now.

Feature Requests
  • Undo Closed Tab - I first looked to see if there was a way to do this through CMD+Z or any other methods, nope. I'd love this feature as I hate not having it sometimes.
  • Merge All Tabs into Window - Safari has this feature and I actually like to use it a lot. Would be a great addition.
  • Save Webpage As.. - When on a webpage that is a .mp4 or .m4v or any other type of file, it'd be nice to save the webpage as said file without having to go back and then righclick that link.

That's all for now. Other than that, I hope that this browser continues to find development at The Omni Group as I really do enjoy using it.

EDIT: Question - is there a way to have a javascript file load instead of a custom style sheet for a certain webpage? I'd greatly appreciate using certain scripts on some webpages.

Last edited by garfield; 2009-08-18 at 09:54 PM.. Reason: formatting