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Originally Posted by jaybeanddar View Post
Thank you... I will check into this... I do attach email alot to my OmniFocus events and they often have attachments so I suspect this is the case. Is there a way to not sync with attachments?

I have also upgraded to the current sneak peak version.
If you are using 1.7, there's the Window->Attachment List command which will show you the attachments in your database (click on the header of the size column to sort by size), and delete them for you if desired.

As for syncing without attachments, no, there is no means to do that at present, once you've actually embedded the attachment in your database. For better or for worse, everything goes everywhere. I think this is a reasonable choice, especially for an initial sync implementation, as it means any copy of the database can be used to reconstitute the others if there is a problem, but one can make a case for the ability to lose that option if some of the sync clients aren't able to effectively utilize large attachments, too. If you are manually attaching files on your desktop and don't need the contents actually embedded, you can instead put links in which would eliminate the overhead. Edit->Attach File offers the option of embedding the file or just a link.

As always, if you have a enhancement request or suggestion, use Help->Send Feedback to get it to the developers.