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I have been using Things on the Mac and iPhone and I want to switch to Omni Focus for a number of reasons, one being MobileMe syncing. I have downloaded the OmniFocus demo for Mac and there are two things that I'm not sure the right way to do with Omni Focus that are critical to the way I work.

1) At the beginning of the day I like to clear out my Today list and the put in the things that I want to accomplish today and manually sort them in the order I want to do them. Things has Today as a feature. In OmniFocus do I just create a project called Today and do the same thing?

2) If I have a task and I did my part and someone else has to do something by a certain date and in Things I would put it in Someday with a date when I want it to appear back in Today. I see Waiting in Omni Focus but I don't see if it can be moved at a due date back to a list like Today.
