Thread: New interface
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Originally Posted by Forrest
Oh, but I like windows in the background! Easy to click on to get to something else.
I agree with 120. The windows in the background of your screenshot look quite distracting, and it's doubtful that you always remember what window is the one you're looking for. There are by far better ways to switch applications (the dock or [cmd]-[tab]) or windows (Exposé).

Originally Posted by Forrest
And I NEVER browse in fullscreen mode. I doubt there's a site out there that looks good that's 3120px wide. Most don't even look good at 1200px wide. Many forums are hard to read that wide.
1.) If you use one of those 12" PowerBooks, you might want to enlarge your windows to the max. (If you [shift]-click the maximize button of a OW browser window, the window will be maximized to fit the screen.)

2.) I love to browse through satellite images of NASA's Earth Observatory. For example, the image of today is 2000 × 2000 px, so even if maximize the window to screen size, I'll just see about half of the image on my 19" screen (with 1280 × 1024 resolution).

Originally Posted by gumby
That's interesting: I have no toolbars visible at all. I mostly use the keyboard. The only toolbar that appears is the standalone location bar I see when I press cmd-L or cmd-T.
Lovely! I didn't know that the hidden toolbar can be displayed by [cmd]-[L] and after using it will hide again.

Last edited by fiji; 2006-09-03 at 04:45 AM..